The following policies are created, approved and reviewed by Anthem Schools Trust, and apply to every Anthem school:
- School Concerns & Complaints Policy
- Charging & Remissions Policy
- Code of Conduct for Parent, Carers and Visitors
- Data Protection Policy
- Exclusions Policy
- Freedom of Information Policy
- Health & Safety Policy
- Whistleblowing Policy
- Whole School Equality Policy
- Anti-bullying Policy
- SEND Policy
- Policy Statement on the Recruitment of Ex-offenders
- Employer Discretions for the LGPS Policy
You can access these policies, along with Trust Privacy Notices, on the Anthem website: https://www.anthemtrust.uk/policies
Below are the policies which include additional information specific to our school:
If you require a paper copy of any policy document, please contact our school office on 020 7738 6481 or email admin@judithkerr.anthemtrust.uk.